Hourly Rates of Pay

The following basic hourly rates of pay will apply in the sector from 1st October 2019 to 30th September 2020.

Craftsperson (Plasterer)
Construction Operatives
Category A Worker €18.86 per hour
Category B Worker €17.50 per hour
YEAR 1 33% of craft rate
YEAR 2 50% of craft rate
YEAR 3 75% of craft rate
YEAR 4 90% of craft rate
An hourly rate of pay of €14.14 will apply for two years after entrance to the Sector to all New Entrant Operative Workers who are over the age of 18 years and entering the sector for the first time

The following basic hourly rates of pay will apply in the sector from 1st October 2020.

Craftsperson (Plasterer)
Construction Operatives
Category A Worker €19.37 per hour
Category B Worker €17.97 per hour
YEAR 1 33% of craft rate
YEAR 2 50% of craft rate
YEAR 3 75% of craft rate
YEAR 4 90% of craft rate
An hourly rate of pay of €14.52 will apply for two years after entrance to the Sector to all New Entrant Operative Workers who are over the age of 18 years and entering the sector for the first time